Our Member Services and Reservations Department assists Owners with reservations, cancellations, RCI and RCI registry memberships.
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Telephone: 1-800-891-3570
International: 212-707-5000 Select “2” from the menu.
E-mail: reservations@manhattanclub.com; Fax: 212-453-8107
Phone: 800-446-1821
International: 317-805-9000
Hospitality Operations consists of the Front Office, Housekeeping, Engineering, Security and Concierge.
For assistance please call the Front Office at 212-707-5000 ext. 4150.
On-Site Owner Services: Lobby of the Manhattan Club
Our On-Site Owner Services Managers are more than happy to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding Ownership at The Manhattan Club.
Financial Services Manager, Danielle Webb
Telephone: 1-800-532-4566 ext 8334
International: 212-707-5000 ext 8334
Mortgages, Timeshare Charges & Real Estate Taxes / Financial Services Department
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Telephone: 1-800-532-4566 Option 6
Fax 212-453-8320,
International: 212-707-5000 ext. 8391
E-mail: financialservices@tmcny.com